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Roman Reigns

WWE Elimination Chamber (2017)

January 30, 2017 // 0 Comments

Written by, UkNO It’s during this time in the WWE when many aspects of the upcoming WrestleMania are put in place. Every year, the fans start to speculate the match card that’s going to be put together with the current roster. It all starts at the Royal Rumble [Read more...]

WWE Royal Rumble (2017)

December 21, 2016 // 0 Comments

Written by, Will W. Erins One of the biggest events hosted by the WWE aside WrestleMania is the Royal Rumble. It’s simply a battle royal that has several different rules implemented for the winner, the participants involved, and prestige that follows. Every year this [Read more...]

WWE Hell In A Cell: (Preview)

October 11, 2016 // 0 Comments

Written by, Will W. Erins The one time a year where WWE‘s Superstars put their bodies through hell is rapidly approaching in little less than three weeks away. Many rivalries that were built up from Clash of Champion seems to be coming to a head this time around which [Read more...]