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SPARX Features Presents: “Cloud Nine” ft. Cloud Carrillo

Official artwork for "Cloud Nine" | Created by The SPARX Team

Vegas born and ready to show the world who he is.

Conducted by,
J. Johnson

Cloud Nine has various meanings for the lips that it’s spoken out of will always use in a sense of happiness. They will continue to justify the existence of being happy or height feeling of euphoria as a means to escape that of struggle. Buddhist describe the feeling ‘on cloud nine‘ as a means of reaching enlightenment. Whatever the meaning they all derive from the sense of accomplishment and happiness. In this Cloud Carrillo, the usage of Cloud Nine is the sense of becoming a success with the enlightenment of his music, whether it’s through a solo or a collective group. SPARX Features presents the story of Tribe Chillin member, Cloud Carrillo in CLOUD NINE!

J. Johnson: Introduce yourself to our readers and your fans, who are you and where are you from?

I’m Cloud Carrillo from Tribe Chillin, and I was born and raised in Las Vegas, NV.

J. Johnson: At what age did you decide that it was time to become an artist?

Around the age of 12-13, I decided to write my first song for school. (It was a rap song about plants) After a few years passed, around the age of 15-16 I started recording my songs to instrumentals. Although, I would say I never took it serious enough to call myself an artist until I was about 18.

J. Johnson: Give us a little insight into your connection with music and your life. Does it influence you in any way?

Music is really big in my life. I’m always listening to music no matter what I’m doing. It helps me set the mood for so many different events. I love getting hype for certain songs before going out, but you can also find me smoking and playing video games to chill songs. I’ve played instruments, performed songs, written songs and I love every aspect of music. It definitely inspires me to see where it can take an artist such as traveling, helping those in need, and supporting a family.


Credit: Tribe Chillin

J. Johnson: Music is a universal outlet that we share whether it be Hip-Hop, R&B, Pop, Rock, or any other genre. How has music been able to create a path in your life?

Music is super powerful! I believe its one of the only universal languages in the universe. So many people can relate to music in different ways and I think that alone is beautiful. I’ve been blessed enough to travel to multiple states and another country because of music. Thanks to music I’ve met people that will be in my life forever and have made memories that I’ll never forget.

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  1. ‘You’ve Got It’ Cloud Carrillo ft. Haresha – Sparx Entertainment

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